Choose Your Perfect Bean

Are you a dark roast or a light roast fan? You might assume that a darker roast means more caffeine, but it’s actually lighter roasts that have slightly more.
Light brown in colour, with a mild flavour. These beans aren’t oily as they’re not roasted long enough for the oils to reach the surface.
Medium brown in colour with a stronger flavour than a light roast. Non-oily surface.
Medium Dark
Dark, rich colour with some oil on the surface and a slightly bittersweet aftertaste.
Dark in colour with shiny black beans due to the oil reaching the surface. Darker roasts result in less acidity.
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1818 Espresso$16.50 – $67.50
Medium/Dark Roast : Notes of citrus, cocoa and caramel
Medium Roast : A coffee roasted with the love of art at heart 🖤
Amet Island$16.50 – $67.50
Medium/Dark Roast : Sweet, blackberry, chocolate. Mild Acidity.
1777 Espresso$16.50 – $67.50
Medium/Dark Roast : Dark chocolate, hazelnut, citrus, lemon
Holiday Gift Box$35.00
Contains a selection of 4x200g bags
Cape John$16.50 – $72.50
Medium/Dark Roast : Notes of tomato, citrus, cocoa and caramel.
Holiday Blend$16.50
Medium Roast : With a hint of warm cinnamon spice.
Crow’s Nest$16.50 – $72.50
Medium Roast :
Nutty, Chocolatey, Medium Acidity, Soft and Balanced
Titan Coffee$18.00
Medium/Dark Roast : Nutty, sweet, low acidity, cocoa
Branch 64$16.50 – $72.50
Medium Roast : Apricot, light and floral
Jamaican Blue$60.00
Medium Roast : Blue Mountain Mavis Bank Estate
Harvest Blend$16.50
Medium Roast : Pumpkin Spice
Sand Point$17.50 – $77.50
Medium Roast : Bergamot, blueberry, low acidity
Campfire Blend$16.50
Medium Roast :Marshmallows and chocolate
Blue Sea$15.50 – $67.50
Medium Roast : Nutty chocolaty flavour
Red Sky At Night$16.50 – $67.50
Dark Roast : Nutty and crisp, hint of molasses
Half Caff$17.50
Medium Roast : Mild and earthy
Main Street$15.50 – $67.50
Light Roast : Nutty, delicious sweetness, crisp acidity.
Giantess$17.50 – $77.50
Medium Roast : Creamy, chocolate, nutty, citric acidity
Skinners Cove$15.50 – $67.50
Light Roast : Nutty, sweet chocolaty flavour
Cutline$15.50 – $67.50
Medium Roast : Mild citrus flavour
French River$15.50 – $67.50
Dark Roast : Creamy, chocolate, nutty citric acidity.
Little House$16.50 – $72.50
Dark Roast : Bergamot, blueberry, mild acidity
Bow River$17.50 – $77.50
Medium Roast : Tropical, Citrus, Apricot
1710 Espresso$16.50 – $67.50
Medium Roast : Smooth, rich, almond, dark chocolate